Takin' Care of Business, TCB!

Also, Finnley and Griff Griff were over yesterday for a couple hours. Fin is by far the cutest of the kids as a baby. She's only two and I was asking her all sorts of questions and she was answering them correctly. Things like, "That's a cute cat." and she would know it's a bear not a cat. And she knew all the colors because I was saying, "That's an orange bear." and she'd say, "No, it's bur-own" and laugh hysterically.
I also put up 1/2 curtains on my front windows because it's really distracting to see the mailman and ups guy over my shoulder every day when I'm working. And I also feel like a creep if I'm trying to excercise and people are walking by seeing a guy with his arms waving around. They are semi-transparent to let the light through. I'm actually really excited because now I can have the top half open to get the light and not have to close the shades entirely at night and feel like I'm trapped inside. I can still see all the nature and sky but not see all the buses, trucks, and cars.

It's officially Fall... which happens to be my favorite season. I love Fall. I totally wait all year for Fall weather. If I had to put my favorite seasons in order it would go Fall, Spring, Winter, Summer.
And since it's Fall, it means that it's Caramel Apple and Popcorn ball time. So be sure to pick up some up. The Caramel Apples from the Co-op are super yummy. As much as I hate the co-op I have to say the do right by the C-apple.
Halo 3

I have my new HD tv and I'll probably get another controller so Andy can get killed by me. I even read a Halo paperback prequel this week in anticipation! How nurdy, huh? Everyone plays Halo.
It also got a 9.5 (out of 10) which is a really good sign. It's a fun game and I think you'd like it. I saw video of it and it looks really good in HD. It's a science fiction game that has a pretty good story. Just imagine Star Wars or Harry Potter but a video game... that's how popular it is and it has it's super fans. It's really fun because you never really die and there are a few different races of aliens that are challenging to kill and have really good AI so they'll come after you and duck and dodge. Also, it has an online multiplayer with voice chat so you can hear assholes yell when you kill them... which is really creepy to hear people talkin' shit on the internet.
BTW there are 10,000 stores in America that'll be open tonight at 12:01 Am to sell the game. Sheesh.
Here's a link to more info
Ricky Gervais Meets Larry David III
There are a ton of Ricky Gervais YouTube videos of shows like this that I've never seen available anywhere. I thought this was interesting and will probably watch the rest. Just type in "Ricky Gervais Meets Larry David" in YouTube. I guess it was an hour show? It just cracks me up when I see clips from CYE. It's like kind of bizarro to see two of the funniest guys talking about about their funny shows. There are tons of radio shows from the U.K. with Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant. I guess they did a radio show for years before the Office? Stepen Merchant even does a music show? Odd but I'm sure you'd like it because you love the radio. Here's a the link to a radio show Stephen Merchant does. I haven't listened to it yet.
Woofstock 2007

The pictured puppies were there. Parker and Posey. They were really cute. There were other puppies there too! The animal foster homes around the city were down there and they brought some mixed puppies to get people to stop by their booth. I played with Parker and Posey for about a half hour. There were tons of dogs there. Big dogs like Great Danes to small Dachshunds and costumed dogs with wacky velvet royalty outfits. There was a bunch of dog biscuit booths and super creepy dog painting and really horrible pet art booths but my favorite were the shelter booths with the puppies and the retired Greyhound booth (they're huge!). You would have loved it... and they had grilled brats.
Women Over Thirty Three

I bet 90% of women over 30 have a huge yucky ass. My new name for that is "The Nightmare Ass", LOL. Nightmare Ass! Buttmare. It's a Buttmare!
Some great posts below... I'm starting to think the Shlog is better than most magazines. Are there any articles you'd like to see on the Shlog. It's basically a personalized magazine with super short posts so you don't get Shulk about it.
I'm starting to think I'm becoming a pretty good comedy writer. Shulk... that's funny. You turn green and get all mad and your shirt rips from your muscles, LOL. (Shulk is a contraction of Shayla and Hulk). Even my explanations of my jokes are funny because they're sarcastic. See, I'm really deep too because I'm using sarcasm to tell you how funny I am by explaining how funny I am in a lame way... because I'm so funny. Okay, I can tell you're getting Shulked up.
It's a buttmare!
Foo Fighters Concert / Polar Bear & Dog Pictures

Click Here To See Amazing Pictures
A whole mini concert by the Foo Fighters at the 2007 MTV video music awards. Mr. Grohl is smoking a ciggy... ewwww, yuckerz (that's the hardcore street rapper spelling of yuckers). Reminder: Darling Nikki is a Prince song on the best record of all time "Purple Rain".
Click Here To See 'em
Here's a link to an article about how much Dave Grohl smokes.
BTW, I'm kind of a year late but I'm kinda diggin' Fergie. I really like her latest song, "Big Girls Don't Cry". It's kind of weird but really cool. I love the hook. I think she's really gross especially her plastic surgery botox look but I'm kind of diggin' her music.
End of Summer
I think 'tis official. It's the end of summer. The end of the heat (hopefully), the werewolves are back in school (thank God), and the State Fair is over. I hope you had a good time in the 'Sota, LOL!
I have a few good stories for you. I'll have to remember them, I've been practicing the set ups. One is Kylah and the Pen the other is about a dog I fell in love with. I don't even remember what the breed was when the owner told me. It was a weird one but I really like him and would have taken him home in a second. The kids were over for a day and got to play the Wii and make t-shirts.
Like the new iPods? I'm not going to bother to buy the newest stuff anymore. I'm going Sanford and Son and really starting to love things that have history and are worn. Like how you fell in love with your little white man... I think I'll stick with my nano until it breaks or the new ones can do something I can live without. I don't buy music so I just need something to play podcasts on. But they are pretty cool. But I'm done buying stuff for a while (besides the basics).
I saw an ad for the new season of Curb Your Enthusiasm. I hope they put episodes up online to buy... or maybe the season will be on DVD soon! Dah, dah, dah, dah dah... dah da da da. I've been watching the rest of Heroes on HD DVD it looks awesome. I love HD.
I've been having a lot of trouble with my internet connection staying on the last couple weeks. It goes out every 20 minutes so it's been really hard to get anything done. Ugg. I hate computers.
I think the pictures on the Shlog are really funny. The one of the cat right below this post just cracks me up. I love me some kittens.
I have a few good stories for you. I'll have to remember them, I've been practicing the set ups. One is Kylah and the Pen the other is about a dog I fell in love with. I don't even remember what the breed was when the owner told me. It was a weird one but I really like him and would have taken him home in a second. The kids were over for a day and got to play the Wii and make t-shirts.
Like the new iPods? I'm not going to bother to buy the newest stuff anymore. I'm going Sanford and Son and really starting to love things that have history and are worn. Like how you fell in love with your little white man... I think I'll stick with my nano until it breaks or the new ones can do something I can live without. I don't buy music so I just need something to play podcasts on. But they are pretty cool. But I'm done buying stuff for a while (besides the basics).
I saw an ad for the new season of Curb Your Enthusiasm. I hope they put episodes up online to buy... or maybe the season will be on DVD soon! Dah, dah, dah, dah dah... dah da da da. I've been watching the rest of Heroes on HD DVD it looks awesome. I love HD.
I've been having a lot of trouble with my internet connection staying on the last couple weeks. It goes out every 20 minutes so it's been really hard to get anything done. Ugg. I hate computers.
I think the pictures on the Shlog are really funny. The one of the cat right below this post just cracks me up. I love me some kittens.
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