I came across these cool new slang words.
Robocracy: Government run by robots
Vagority: Majority run by women
Monthiversary: For people overzealous about a new relationshippy
2k8: 2008
Mall hangover: The headache, tiredness, and nausea you get after being at the mall
Christmas Adam: The day before Christmas Eve (Dec. 23)
Locavore: A person who's diet consists of locally produced food. Less harsh on environment because food doesn't have to be driven across country
Hobosexual: The opposite of metrosexual. A guy who cares little of his appearance. Think Peter Jackson or Michael Moore
Manther: A male cougar. The slang old sexy woman cougar but a male version
Clark Kent Job: The job that pays the bills but isn't your life's calling
Phone Grope: When you pat your pockets making sure you have your cell phone
Blue Walls: The female equivalent of male blue balls
Moobs: man boobs
Cinematard: Person that doesn't know much about movies. I'm a little of a cinematard.
Hallowthanksmas: The time period between Halloweenie and New Year's where stores push out their holiday products and decorations
Summer Teeth: Used to describe someone missing teeth because summer there and summer not.
Butterface: A girl who's body is all perfect "butter" face. They say this all the time on Howie Stern