Al Green - Simply Beautiful
Since Al's on your radar this week... He's one of those guy's that's born with a voice. I saw him at the Orpheum many years ago. He wasn't even trying. It just comes out of him. I was really into him back in the day. I used to buy old soul records and he's one of the guys that made great '70s records. I love the '70s and he's got a bunch of classic five star albums.

Drum roll, puleaze. It's... www.manbabies.com
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull
I saw Indy tonight. I'm really pumped about it. I nerdily read the novelization last week because I didn't think I'd see it until DVD. I really liked it. A bunch of nerds on the internet have been complaining about the corny dialog or impossible situations but isn't that what all Indy movies are? I would think your Dad likes Indy movies? Without giving away too much I thought it was right down my ally. He's in the 1950s and Shia LeBouf is really good in it. The end almost made me cry and got me excited enough to write about it. I thought I was going to hate it but I totally didn't.
I really like Shia Lebouf. He's a Marlon Brando '50s dude with a greaser haircut, leather jacket, motorcycle, and switchblade... it's enough to make you groan but I didn't. I loved it. Mayan temples, secrets, clues, the directing, the costumes, the sets, cinematography, effects, and the '50s era stuff... Crystal Skulls is in the hizouse!
I really like Shia Lebouf. He's a Marlon Brando '50s dude with a greaser haircut, leather jacket, motorcycle, and switchblade... it's enough to make you groan but I didn't. I loved it. Mayan temples, secrets, clues, the directing, the costumes, the sets, cinematography, effects, and the '50s era stuff... Crystal Skulls is in the hizouse!
Weezer - Pork and Beans
Could be another "classic" tune by "The Weez". I got some emotional chills when the chorus kicks in. Do you recognize the viral videos it's homaging (is that even a word)? Type "Chocolate Rain", "Mentos Diet Coke", "Chris Crocker", etc... into YouTube if you want to see some of the original "viral" videos... or just look up the most popular on YouTube. It's very "meta"... I hear that word a lot these days.
Also, I still believe that Weezer puts on stage costumes of "slackers" when they perform and in their videos. Wouldn't that be funny. I wish I was a writer so I could put that in a book. A band the dresses nerdy to sell records and appeal to the kids but in real life they wear "normal people" clothes. Did I ever put up their video with animals? I do like Weezer but I always think the lead singer is a little creepy. Best "summer song" so far? Hrrm. Whadayouthink?
Dads and Grads is in the hizouse!
Also, I still believe that Weezer puts on stage costumes of "slackers" when they perform and in their videos. Wouldn't that be funny. I wish I was a writer so I could put that in a book. A band the dresses nerdy to sell records and appeal to the kids but in real life they wear "normal people" clothes. Did I ever put up their video with animals? I do like Weezer but I always think the lead singer is a little creepy. Best "summer song" so far? Hrrm. Whadayouthink?
Dads and Grads is in the hizouse!
Ira Glass

You can "subscribe" in iTunes to hear the 15 minute interview with him... or download it... or stream it on the webpage. He mentions Radio Lab which I think is the show you mentioned last time. I'll have to listen to it. I've really come to love Howard Stern's show. I've never laughed harder (or been more grossed out) or been more amazed with the amount of funny.
I like Ira Glass the more that I see (or hear) him.
The Beatles - Don't Let Me Down
There is no better band in the history of music than the Beatles... period. As it's stated in the bible, "You will not get into Heaven if you don't know every single Beatles song by heart". There is nothing more important than going and buying all the Beatles albums you can find and listening to them a hundred times each.
There are no songs that are more beautiful, culturally important, enjoyable, and interesting. You must think I'm the biggest dummy and not take my advice or consider me intelligent to not know every single Beatles song by heart. Another year goes by... and still you don't know how great they were. If you had a drug problem wouldn't you criticize me for not trying to help you? Well, you may as well not be alive if you don't understand the Beatles are the greatest band, ever. This is your wake up call. You are missing out.
If you ever get into the Beatles then I'll move on to trying to get you to realize how briz-illiant Prince was in the '80s, then maybe Bob Dylan after that. Just give in... Just give in... you are missing out. If I knew that This American Life would be beneficial to you and you had a poor attitude about the show because some nerds at school liked it... wouldn't you be remiss and horrified if you didn't know about it? Wake-up. Snap out of it. Give in. Give up. John, Paul, George, and Ringo.
There are no songs that are more beautiful, culturally important, enjoyable, and interesting. You must think I'm the biggest dummy and not take my advice or consider me intelligent to not know every single Beatles song by heart. Another year goes by... and still you don't know how great they were. If you had a drug problem wouldn't you criticize me for not trying to help you? Well, you may as well not be alive if you don't understand the Beatles are the greatest band, ever. This is your wake up call. You are missing out.
If you ever get into the Beatles then I'll move on to trying to get you to realize how briz-illiant Prince was in the '80s, then maybe Bob Dylan after that. Just give in... Just give in... you are missing out. If I knew that This American Life would be beneficial to you and you had a poor attitude about the show because some nerds at school liked it... wouldn't you be remiss and horrified if you didn't know about it? Wake-up. Snap out of it. Give in. Give up. John, Paul, George, and Ringo.
Weekly Wrap Up
I thought I'd "Shlog" some of the things I've been doing and thinking about during the week to save for posterity. I don't keep a diary and I like looking back at things I was doing (or annoyed with "having to do").
What I Be Wizatchin': Got Directv turned back on... because now they have HD and I've really missed it. I only watch TV after it gets dark out and I mostly watch educational programming that I'm interested in (usually about animals). It actually makes me happy and enthusiastic about learning and life. Where else can I learn so much about Animals, how things are made and travel to countries I will never have the money to visit. All in HD. HDTV rules, dude. No joke.
The Happy List: I'm trying to list out things that I want to do, how I want to spend my time, and what I should be doing to be happy. It's such a simple idea but I think it works wonders. The Happy List is basically me spending time thinking about what I can do with my life and time to make me hizappy.
What I Be Wizatchin': Got Directv turned back on... because now they have HD and I've really missed it. I only watch TV after it gets dark out and I mostly watch educational programming that I'm interested in (usually about animals). It actually makes me happy and enthusiastic about learning and life. Where else can I learn so much about Animals, how things are made and travel to countries I will never have the money to visit. All in HD. HDTV rules, dude. No joke.
The Happy List: I'm trying to list out things that I want to do, how I want to spend my time, and what I should be doing to be happy. It's such a simple idea but I think it works wonders. The Happy List is basically me spending time thinking about what I can do with my life and time to make me hizappy.
What I'm Rizeadin': The Light Fantastic by Terry Pratchett, Green Lantern Showcase Presents comic collection, Newspaper.
Movies: None, froze Netflix for a while. I'm going to try and watch some of the Indiana Jones Marathon on TV tomorrow night. The first one is really good and I love the second one... the third one kinda sucks IMO (in my opinion).
Enjoyin' Eatin': Cheese sandwiches with a little mayo and sprouts.
Excercise: Trying to make it an everyday thing for 30 minutes to start, then 45 if I loose some yuckiness. I'm also going to invest my time and money a little more in getting exercise. It's a goal. I just don't want to be fat in my middle age.
Animal of the Week: Chimps. I watched a program about a chimp camp that helped abused and unsocial chimps in Africa. They're so cute... and vicious. Ooooo, ooooo, oooo, oooo. Starting to really like Chimpy Babies. Oooooo, Oooooo, Oooooo, Oooooo.
Flight Of The Conchords - Most Beautiful Girl in the Room
This cracks me up. I really loved this show. I think this is so funny. It's kinda a Prince spoof and it cracks me up everytime I see it. I think you'd really love these guys. They're really funny and have some super classic bits. They won a grammy and they've got a second season coming soon. You should really rent their show when you've got space in your queue.
This American Life
I saw an episode of TAM life last night and really liked it. The show is really good. It was in HD and looked fantastic!
The stories always stick with me for years. I find I get really emotional and connected with the stories. There was a story about an Iraqi guy that put a stand to "Ask an Iraqi". Did they show that story at the live show? It always makes me tear up. Does it make you emotional? Maybe it's because it has stories that are so true and real. The stories are always so surprising and unexpected. They do such a great job. I love that it's uncensored. I'll try and watch more. Sometimes even the most simple stories have so much truth and beauty to them.
The stories always stick with me for years. I find I get really emotional and connected with the stories. There was a story about an Iraqi guy that put a stand to "Ask an Iraqi". Did they show that story at the live show? It always makes me tear up. Does it make you emotional? Maybe it's because it has stories that are so true and real. The stories are always so surprising and unexpected. They do such a great job. I love that it's uncensored. I'll try and watch more. Sometimes even the most simple stories have so much truth and beauty to them.
Scandal - Goodbye To You
This is one of my favorite 80s songs. I'm really diggin' the matching panty hose, mini skirt and heels (and lipstick). I always hated that weird girl's haircut that the "chicks" had in the 80's. I bet she's really a mess now and probably looks like Elizabeth Taylor. Some women don't age well and I bet the singer is really messed up from smokin', drinkin', and drugs.
Another One Bites The Dust - Queen
A rollerskating rink classic. This is one of those songs that have survived the years and is still super cool. How bizarre is Freddie Mercury? He's such a great lead singer. I don't know of any other rock and roll singer who so successfully wears a mustache. He's one of the greatest and flamboyant rock singers.
Check out those jeans! You'll have to get an outfit like that. Bright yellow tank top, super-denim jeans, white tennis shoes and a sweat band. Does that hat have lightning bolts? I think he's satirizing the hetero-male fashions of the time.
Check out those jeans! You'll have to get an outfit like that. Bright yellow tank top, super-denim jeans, white tennis shoes and a sweat band. Does that hat have lightning bolts? I think he's satirizing the hetero-male fashions of the time.
Head Over Heels - Go-Go's
One of my favorite songs... ever! I used to listen to this every morning before school. I'd make scrambled eggs in the microwave and ate them as we drove from Hudson, WI into Mpls. every morning to finish my 4th grade year. My favorite bass line and "break down" in a song. It's so funky with that bum, dee, da, da, da... da, da, ba, da, da, da, snap, bum, de, da, da, da, bum, bum, de, da da, SNAP!
Ready for the World - Love You Down
I remember thinking this was a romantic song and the chicks would love a guy singing it to them. It's one of the romantic songs I remember from "back in the day". Do you remember it? This is the type of song that you don't understand when you are young but when you get older you realize it's about getting some hot dirty sex. You'd never say these things to a girl! She'd probably have you locked up.
Dream of Farm Kittens
I had a beautiful dream about going to a farm breakfast restaurant and there were farm kittens (and other farm animals) all over the place. I got to sit down on the grass and play with the kittens before breakfast and was going to take one home with me. I ate breakfast and decided to "stay on" at the farm and work by making breakfast and staying in a room. Now I could keep all the kittens and they could live in the barn. I would live out the rest of my life makin' breakfasts in the morning, feeding the 'nimals, and pettin' kitties on the farm. It was a farm down south so there was no winter.
I often daydream about moving to a little small town with kittens everywhere. Living in a little tiny house "away from it all". I'd get the mornin' newspaper and make a weekly trip into town in an old pick-up truck. I wouldn't actually "farm" anything but I think that it's a life I'd be more willing to live as a I get older. I don't like the hussle and bustle of the city very much.
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