For reals! I put out a little pile of bird seed and the chipmunks came a eatin'. I was laying on my stomach in the grass waiting to see them. They'd come one at a time and scare aware any other chipmunk competition while squeaking loudly at them. I couldn't stop laughing! It's so funny when they chase each other. I grabbed a little stick and would pet one while it was filling up his cheeks. He kept looking at me and would come closer. He'd fill up his cheeks and run off to deposit the seed in his little chipmunk larder at home. He kept coming back and I kept petting him with the stick. Finally I got brave enough to touch him with my fingers and he didn't care... until he filled up his cheeks and ran to take the seeds home. They're so cute. He also stood on a flower pot and chirped at me for a couple minutes while looking straight at me. I'm not saying I'm Crocodile Dundee or anything (he could tame animals, remember his hand gesture?)... but he was a little cutie. I wonder if Mr. Bunny will let me pet him.
Also, there are two baby squirrels in the backyard. They're a little grown... maybe 1/3 of the size of mamma squirrel... they're really cute.