My new motto, that's heavily influenced by Elvis, is T.C.B. Takin' Care of Business, Baby (say baby in an Elvis voice). I'm really proud to announce that I fixed my P.A. (pressure assisted) toilet. Remember how it was really annoying to flush? Well, every time the weather changed I would have to adjust it and it's slowly been getting worse every year. It started to groan, hiss, and a seal was sizzling on the top of it. I tried adjusting it, looked up parts on their website, looked at fixing manuals, but I could only get parts from the manufacturer (much like Apple parts). I hate proprietary parts. I called them up and the guy was super nice. He said that my PA toilet had been recalled because of all the problems I stated above. He sent me a new one for friz-ee (free).
I got the new one today, which is a huge submarine thing that sits in the tank of the toilet, and decided to install it. I've been T.C.B.ing this week so I got on it. I spent a half an hour reading the instructions, going to the hardware store for a toilet bowl tank wrench, and installing it. I thought I did everything right except the new gasket between the tank and the bowl seemed a little large. I put the tank back on the toilet, made all the connections, turned the water on and flushed the toilet. The water spewed out between the tank and the toilet. What a mess. It just gushed out and splattered on me. I guess the gasket was too big after all. I couldn't see the gasket, to check the seal, because the tank is sitting on it . Water was everywhere. Luckily, it was tank water and not toilet water. It was like a scene from a bad comedy. I also bumped my head a couple times underneath the sink. Owch.
My TCB week doesn't end there... I installed more memory on three of my 'puters, and am selling all 75 or so of Marc's graphic novels. Which still kind of crack me up when I see them. They're all horror stuff with titles like, "The Walking Dead", "Hellblazer", and "The History of Violence" (which was made into a movie staring the guy from Lord of the Rings).
The puppy is named Travis.
Click here for more pound puppies