
I Can Has Cheezburger

Keeping you up on the latest in internuts trends. This cracks my up. They're called LOL cats and they are really popular. Check out the website. Some are really stupid but some are hilarious. I don't know the history of LOL cats but there is probably an entry on wikipedia.

Click here to see more LOL cats

Here's the Wikipedia entry


Midget Village

Because you were talking about the guy on Extras asking the dwarf if he could see into the second floor windows of his home I searched the internuts looking for pictures of midget homes. I didn't really come up with anything as far as pictures but I did find a very interesting article about an urban myth, San Diego, and a Midget Village.

San Diego has a really funny urban myth.

Click here to see article.


Baby Otter

Baby Otter

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Want A Scary Movie?

Remember how I was telling you that as the summer turns into fall I always want to see scary movies and read scary books? Well, I knew that Zodiac was going to be a little creepy but I thought it would just be a detective story about the late 1960s and early '70s with actors with funny beards, clothing, and haircuts driving around San Fransisco trying to find a killer, boy, was I wrong. Zodiac was probably the best and creepiest movie I've seen in years. Wow. I could hardly get to bed. I was thinking about it all night and making up reasons why the Zodiac killer wouldn't come to get me so I could get to sleep. What was that? The wind in the trees or the Zodiac?

I thought it was a great movie. Scary, creepy, super suspenseful, great acting, and super cool sets, props, and costumes. I love the movies of the 70s and was just telling Andy that I wish there were more movies from that era on Blu-Ray. I think that you'd like it alot. Your dark X-files side would like it... and the best part is that it's true! It's an amazing story with puzzles, twists, and killings. Wow!

You may want to break up the viewing into two nights. It's long. I don't know how long exactly because I was really into it but it's a long movie. You have to watch it at night... and when you're done you'll have to up the Zodiac killer on Wikipedia because there are links to some of the stuff in the movie. It was a fantastic movie. I'm still thinking about it. Creepy... but really good creepy because it happened before we were even born and he can't still be out there killing, can he?


Realistic Art... Tre Cool

Kinda Freaky. Scroll Down.
clipped from www.ebaumsworld.com
Realist Art
Realist Art
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Realist Art
Realist Art
Realist Art
Realist Art
Realist Art
Realist Art
Realist Art
 blog it

35W Bridge

I think this picture gives the scale of how enormous and catastrophic the 35W bridge collapse was. Click on it to see a bigger picture. Also there's a link to the pics on flickr below.

35W Pictures

T.C.B., Baby!

My new motto, that's heavily influenced by Elvis, is T.C.B. Takin' Care of Business, Baby (say baby in an Elvis voice). I'm really proud to announce that I fixed my P.A. (pressure assisted) toilet. Remember how it was really annoying to flush? Well, every time the weather changed I would have to adjust it and it's slowly been getting worse every year. It started to groan, hiss, and a seal was sizzling on the top of it. I tried adjusting it, looked up parts on their website, looked at fixing manuals, but I could only get parts from the manufacturer (much like Apple parts). I hate proprietary parts. I called them up and the guy was super nice. He said that my PA toilet had been recalled because of all the problems I stated above. He sent me a new one for friz-ee (free).

I got the new one today, which is a huge submarine thing that sits in the tank of the toilet, and decided to install it. I've been T.C.B.ing this week so I got on it. I spent a half an hour reading the instructions, going to the hardware store for a toilet bowl tank wrench, and installing it. I thought I did everything right except the new gasket between the tank and the bowl seemed a little large. I put the tank back on the toilet, made all the connections, turned the water on and flushed the toilet. The water spewed out between the tank and the toilet. What a mess. It just gushed out and splattered on me. I guess the gasket was too big after all. I couldn't see the gasket, to check the seal, because the tank is sitting on it . Water was everywhere. Luckily, it was tank water and not toilet water. It was like a scene from a bad comedy. I also bumped my head a couple times underneath the sink. Owch.

My TCB week doesn't end there... I installed more memory on three of my 'puters, and am selling all 75 or so of Marc's graphic novels. Which still kind of crack me up when I see them. They're all horror stuff with titles like, "The Walking Dead", "Hellblazer", and "The History of Violence" (which was made into a movie staring the guy from Lord of the Rings).

The puppy is named Travis.
Click here for more pound puppies

Steve Martin - Comedy for Dogs

Here through the miracle of the internet and some supernurd that had it recorded it on VHS tape and transfered it digitally to a computer and then to Youtube and entered the titles and search words so that some other lazier nurd can haphazardly type in a seach of Steve Martin Dogs into Youtube and find the comedy bit that he told you of in a previous conversation is the Dog bit. Could I have written a longer run on sentence?


Photo Taken Without and With Flash

Clark and Michael

George Micheal does a internet show. I haven't watched them yet but I was sure you'd be interested. Loveable nerds are A+++ with you... and I'm pretty sure they play loveable nerds.

Here's the link to

Foo Fighters - The Pretender


John Lennon - Watching The Wheels

If there is one song that reminds me of my dad and my childhood it's this one. I know, I know, I know that you hate Mr. Lennon but it's one of the greatest songs ever. I'm still really disturbed at your dislike of the Beatles but I hope that someday you can get over yourself. You're not supposed to hate anything on this earth.

I really love this album. It's interesting because I remember every word and idea that this song is about. When I was a kid I always thought of standing back from the world and "watching the wheels". I think it's a really wise song with really great lyrics. I dig the bass line too. I like that he's saying it's okay to do what you want to do with your life even if other people don't understand and you can be happy and enjoy life even though other people don't understand what you're doing.

I know you hate him and what he looks like but he's just a guy and didn't get to choose what he'd look like. What he did for the world isn't too shabby for just a guy with a big nose.

And I met Sean Lennon twice at the Rainbow and drove him and his band Cibo Matto to their gig downtown. It was really bizarre to hear John Lennon's voice coming out of the back seat asking me if I like a Destiny's Child song. It was like being in the same car as royalty.



Rumor: Jason Bateman

Jason Bateman otherwise known as "The Bater" is rumored to play the male lead in the new Kevin Smith movie. It might just be a rumor. Wonder what Buster and Gob are going to be in.

btw... I've heard a lot of black men speaking and not just on TV. Black men's voices are definitely deeper. A larger percentage of black man voices are deeper.


Charlie Murphy True Hollywood Stories

This is one of the funniest skits I've ever seen. I remember laughing so hard when I first saw this. It's Charlie Murphy's True Hollywood Stories on Dave Chappelle's show. I'll post the other one about Rick James soon.

And The Winner Is...

I may not be as bad at telling people's ages as you think. I am right. You're bet was 33 or under... mine was 36 or older. I'm a winner. I'm a winner. I'm a winner! I don't mean to rub your nose in it or be an asshole winner... but since I'm right about this maybe I'm right about black man voices? Hmmmm.

I'm busy putting together my data on proving my theory that men of color have deeper voices. I'm also going to take a trip to Atlanta with a tape recorder. Urkel was just a character. No black man has a high voice like Urkel.

Click here for the link to proof of age.


Stephen King Talks Potter

I've seen several articles about Stephen King being a big J.K. Rowling fan. Here's a link to one he wrote about the series. I really like him because he always seems to be well versed in books and pop culture. I still think you should read or listen to his On Writing book. It's not just about writing but more a biography about what makes him write and what he likes. I've only read three books by him and will eventually read more if I can find paperbacks that are printed legibly (they print his old books in 8 or 6 point type). I can't read tiny print. At least the Agatha Christie books are usually printed in lettering a grandma can read... but some aren't and I still read them because it's the only way to get them. I'm still surprised that you haven't read the Dark Tower books. Odd... makes me think there is some OCD or control issuede thing with you and those books... like you can't read anything with dark in the title or something.

Anyway, I still choke up when I think about the end of the book, "All is well" and about Dobby dying (and Hedwig). He and she both didn't deserve to die. But I'm really glad it's over and that all is well in the wizarding world. I also love to think of all the kids that have been made so happy by the books (and adults) and imagine them carrying around a huge hardcover book in their little hands, laying on the floor, and reading for hours at a time while the world goes on around them.

Stephen King Talks Potter Link


Chocolate Rain - Latest Internet Sensation

Old vs. New Mac Comparison

Here's a comparison of the old vs. new macs. I don't think it's worth getting a new one. Not a big fan of aluminum. I'll stick with the white one.

David Elsewhere The Internet Made Me Famous



Best Songs Ever or Longest Mix Tape Ever

I thought of a new ongoing series to go along with "Test Your Faith", "Conundrum", and "What's Your Favorite?". Some of these you may not have heard of yet. But I've always wanted to make you mixed tapes but since cassette tapes (like from when we were in Jr. High) haven't really existed since I met you I never really did any. I don't count CD's as mix-tapes because I used to make mix-tapes and actually "mix" music up... blah, blah, blah... but anyway. I came up with this idea of just gifting you the songs rather than re-recording, burning, or mailing corny mix-CD's that you'll only break up into songs on your iPod (or should I say Kunta-Kinte) anyway.

I'll just gift the Best Songs Ever... since it's taken you 4 or 5 years to realize that Happy People is a great dance song you can trust me on what songs I send... eventually. Even if you are "not ready" for the songs that I send it'll be there for when you are ready to give into them and enjoy them.

So watch you iTunes for some songs... and you may not like them at first... but keep in mind that I gave you the Best Album Ever (the live Otis one) and I didn't even know it at the time.

Su Lin Still Beautiful

Su Lin is still a cutie! Here's a link to a recent picture. I just want to hug her.

Cutie Picture Link Here

Here's another Super Cute one

Panda Baby Picture

What a miracle! Panda Baby. I'm starting to get Panda Crazy! I got a panda Zoonooz in the mail today. Thank you. Pandas and Bears are the most amazing creatures on this earth! Aren't you excited that you live next to a miracle? The San Diego Zoo is a maker of miracles. I'll have to look up Su Lin on Flickr to see what she looks like now.

Fun fact I got from Public Television. Did you know that 99% of life on this earth is extinct? Isn't that crazy? That blew my mind. Harshed my mellow. There are millions of different life forms (Billions probably) that are on this earth now. I love seeing shows that recreate animals of the past with computer graphics. It's fascinating that so many forms of life have died off long before humans.

New Apples

They've got new iMacs and other stuff at apple.com. Be sure to check them out. I know how much you love computers.

I'm working on my informational video for Bozuki to put in auctions and I hate hearing my voice and seeing my sausage fingers. I don't show myself and I think I'll take out my voice and just have words because I just sound so stupid. I have so much respect for people who do radio or television because it's really hard to sound natural. It takes a lot of frickin' work just to communicate via video or audio... and I still get weirdo emails from people about my podcast.

I've finally realized after thousands and thousands of emails that whenever someone emails me it's got a 99% chance of being bizarre or a stupid question. I hate checking email. I get the weirdest shit in my inbox.

Also, check out the Foo Fighters new single and album cover (stupid cover) in iTunes.


Snotes or Shnotes

Thought I'd put up the Shnotes for the week.
1) Mom falls for waitress shtick. "Hello, how are you".
2) Howard Stern guy interviews Comic Con attendees. ?'s asked: Have you ever masturbated to a cartoon? Answers are muffled by mask.
3) Andy story of "I got something for you"... What was it?

That cute girl is Phoenix a Rotty mix that's available at the humane society

Thought I'd feature a cutie on the Shnotes post.

Do You Think This Dog Is Cute?

An Airedale was in front of the library. He/She was really nice and cute. It was kind of raining out and he was all wet so I didn't get to pet him.

I said, "sit" and he sat down and was acting really nice. I wish I'd of had some bacon. I think they're really regal and cute looking. Why do Airedales look really cute but Schnauzers look like old bearded grandpas?


Terminator Sex Positions

This is pretty funny.
Here's the link
Terminator Sex Positions