I've seen several articles about Stephen King being a big J.K. Rowling fan. Here's a link to one he wrote about the series. I really like him because he always seems to be well versed in books and pop culture. I still think you should read or listen to his On Writing book. It's not just about writing but more a biography about what makes him write and what he likes. I've only read three books by him and will eventually read more if I can find paperbacks that are printed legibly (they print his old books in 8 or 6 point type). I can't read tiny print. At least the Agatha Christie books are usually printed in lettering a grandma can read... but some aren't and I still read them because it's the only way to get them. I'm still surprised that you haven't read the Dark Tower books. Odd... makes me think there is some OCD or control issuede thing with you and those books... like you can't read anything with dark in the title or something.
Anyway, I still choke up when I think about the end of the book, "All is well" and about Dobby dying (and Hedwig). He and she both didn't deserve to die. But I'm really glad it's over and that all is well in the wizarding world. I also love to think of all the kids that have been made so happy by the books (and adults) and imagine them carrying around a huge hardcover book in their little hands, laying on the floor, and reading for hours at a time while the world goes on around them.
Stephen King Talks Potter Link