I don't know if I ever suggested you get the Chappelle's Show DVD's. The are just as funny and I'd consider them modern classics up there with Curb Your Enthusie, Arrested Development, Extras, and Ali G. You'll have to rent the Chappelle's Show DVD's. It was a huge hit and semi-controversial. It was also one of the funniest shows ever. Rent it.
I'll watch the Flight of the Conchords and let you know if it's as funny as Marc says it is. I watched a few clips online and it seems like something that you'd like and maybe even l-o-v-e.
Just between you and me. I don't really like Tony Hawk. I try to like him but he just annoys me. Maybe I'm jealous but I've never liked him (even when I was a kid). He was on Smarter than a 5th Grader tonight and he dresses like a bum (a kid). I'm just not into him. I don't really know what you see in him either. He's not attractive. He's old and he was wearing dumpy "pot head" clothes and he isn't very smart... actually he's kinda dumb. I saw his wife too... she old. I don't usually like to rag on people but I don't see what is so special about him... is it because he was a "teen dream"? Like Donnie and Marie Osmond or Peter Frampton or Chachi (Scott Baio).