I was so
intrigued when you told me about your no bake cookies. I looked it up on Google to see some
recipes. There are a bunch listed that sound kind of interesting. I still haven't found "cornflake cookies". I don't know what they're called but they are made out of cornflakes and butterscotch. I'll have to ask Marc. I had an epiphany when you mentioned "no-bake". I figured out that the famous Grandma Westerman's Cornflake Cookies are probably "no-bake". They weren't the only treats she and my aunts made but they were the ones that were in the farthest corner behind "The Adult Table" and we would always wait until after the adults finished dinner to get them. It brought back some good Christmas memories and my Dad and the Westermans.
List of my favorite Christmas cookies:1) Hersey Kisses on Peanut Butter2) Rice Krispy Wreaths with red hots lights3) Snow Flakes
Click Here for No-BakesLink to allrecipes.com