Kids Stop Motion Movie Test
Here's one of the stop motion tiny movies my bro bro emailed me. I think it's funny. Especially the little hands. I'm sure they'll get better. They'll probably start making them longer and more complex with stories and backgrounds. My brother always used to make crappy horror movies with ketchup for blood when we lived in Hudson. He's also use my stuff for props like my BB guns and guitar. I'd be so pissed when he'd show me the movies when I got back from my dad's house and he'd be faux rockin' out in some field with my electric guitar thinkin' he was Bono. I hope he and the kids get some funny movies made soon.
Music You'd Hate Part 1
For some reason I've been really diggin' this band lately. It's super manly, loud, and absurd. It's Mastodon "Colony of the Birchmen" and for some reason I think they fuckin' rock... hard, dude.
Nerdical: Pimp My iMac

Proof of Evolution Part 12,001,018

And dogs are enormous proof of evolution. Dogs are mutated wolves and have been bred to be domesticated over the last 12,000 years. Without humans there would be no such thing as domesticated dogs. There would only be a few wild versions (like wolves or dingos).
I'm no Charlie Darwin but I think it's fascinating. There are millions of missing and extinct animals that used to live on the earth. There are more forms of life that are extinct than life forms that live on the Earth presently... and there are millions that presently live on Earth. Can you imagine if there was another "enlightened" set of human like creatures that evolved from insects?
Oh BTW, I'm really tired of seeing fat hairy gay guys on the internet when I'm searching for Bear photos. It's really creepy. Don't believe me? Here's a link to my search of "Bear Cub" on flickr:
Click on the link and scroll down 'til you see the guy in undies on the bed. Yuck! I can't believe you find men attractive.
Freedom with Fashion

I've always wanted a pair of All Stars since I was a kid. I actually got a pair of high tops when I was a kid but they were way too tight and I never wore them (I probably got them on clearance). My mom was involved somehow so of course they were from Banks or something and I never got to wear them. I did get a pair for $25 (down from $40) at Gap. I need slip ons for going down in the basement and doing yard work. They'll work out perfectly. I'm so happy when I give into my desires. I also got a couple of nice pairs of man pants. Now all I've got to do is loose some weight so I can buy more new clothes.
Also, I strongly suggest getting some Bob Marley to rock out to. It's so light funky rock and it makes you feel good. My favorite album of the week (besides Thriller) is Bob Marley's Confrontation album. Jump, jump, jump Nyabinghi!
I still can't believe you got to hold a baby tiger. I am so jealous of that and I wonder how I could be so lucky to hold a baby wild animal. Do you know how big tigers get? They kill people. I'd love to pet and touch a future man killer's little cute feeties!
Thriller 25th Anniversary

It's one of the best albums of all time. Can you believe it's 25 years old? I must have roller skated 100 miles rockin' out to it. I love that record. It's such a great album. That's why I get so mad at him. He's such a weirdo now... but the record is so good... but he's such a weirdo... but it's childhood memories... but he's a creepy guy. I'm so torn and so annoyed with his creepiness. I saw him on some Entertainment Tonight thing and he's such a weirdo. But he wasn't a weirdo 25 years ago (or we didn't know) so is it okay to still like it?
Foo Fighters - Grammys
I saw the Foos on the Grammys last night and it amazes me how skinny and small Dave Grohl is. I thought he was taller. Is he on drugs? How does he stay so skinny? He must wear a medium sized shirt. LOL. Did you see him? Also, I don't like Jason Bateman. After his character in Juno he's really started to annoy me... and his weird announcer introduction/contest m.c. thing was really weird. I am kind of convinced that he's gay too. Not that the gayness makes him creepy... it's more his character in Juno that makes me think he's creepy. Ooof.
I don't really like this song. It makes me think of the Sesame Street thing "One of these things is not like the other". I like Dave Grohl but I think he must be on some weird diet or something. No 40 year old man can be that skinny.
I don't really like this song. It makes me think of the Sesame Street thing "One of these things is not like the other". I like Dave Grohl but I think he must be on some weird diet or something. No 40 year old man can be that skinny.
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