I've always wanted a pair of All Stars since I was a kid. I actually got a pair of high tops when I was a kid but they were way too tight and I never wore them (I probably got them on clearance). My mom was involved somehow so of course they were from Banks or something and I never got to wear them. I did get a pair for $25 (down from $40) at Gap. I need slip ons for going down in the basement and doing yard work. They'll work out perfectly. I'm so happy when I give into my desires. I also got a couple of nice pairs of man pants. Now all I've got to do is loose some weight so I can buy more new clothes.
Also, I strongly suggest getting some Bob Marley to rock out to. It's so light funky rock and it makes you feel good. My favorite album of the week (besides Thriller) is Bob Marley's Confrontation album. Jump, jump, jump Nyabinghi!
I still can't believe you got to hold a baby tiger. I am so jealous of that and I wonder how I could be so lucky to hold a baby wild animal. Do you know how big tigers get? They kill people. I'd love to pet and touch a future man killer's little cute feeties!