New Baby Bunny

I also got to see three of the voles who I am really starting to like. Maybe I should name them? Two of the little baby squirrels are getting to be little Jr. High age with longer bodies and skinny feetsies. There are now two confirmed chipmunks that fight over bird seed. One pair of cardinals up in the huge tree and I've seen on huge blue jay... and tons of those little chirpy chickadee thingamajigs.
I think I'm going to get a bug identification book because there are tons of different insects that I don't know that names of.
Shonen Knife - I Wanna Eat Choco Bars
Someone must have given me a Shonen Knife cassette when I was in middle school because I totally remember loving this song and the album it was on. I don't know why I know this but I used to love it and listen to it on my walkman. I think I knew they were from Japan but it's interesting now because of that weird Japanese accent. They weren't at all sexy and they were horrible musicians... but for some reason I know this album. We used to get lots of free cassettes from these guys at Tatters (and tons of promo posters, etc...) because it was under GHQ where my dad worked when we were kids. Ah, the good ol' days. I still can't remember how I know this song... but I love it. Who knew songs could be about how great Choco bars are? No joke. It blew my mind at the time. I didn't know you could write songs about candy.
John Mellencamp - Authority Song - Rock Hall of Fame
One of my favorite songs of all time! I remember being a kid and rockin' out to it. Back then my favorite line was "Growin' up leads to growin' old and then to dyin'... and dyin' to me don't sound like all that much fun". It still is one of my all time favorite lines from a song. I saw this performance on VH1's Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Who knew that he still had it. His son reminds me of Jonah... yes, his hair is that long. Love this song... and I love the 70s, 80s, 90s shows on VH1 too! Who knew 25 years later VH1 would appeal to me so much... it's almost as good as Animal Planet and the Food Channel.
Backyard Animals: Meadow Vole

I put out a couple pieces of bread and sat down to read the paper. I kept hearing weird little sounds coming out of the bottom of the garage. There were two little voles trying to pull a giant half piece of bread under the garage. They're so cute and tiny like a mouse.
They're look like a cross between a mouse and a mole. They're eyes are really small and they must live in darkness and have poor eyesight.
The squirrel babies are getting bigger and there seems to be only one chipmunk this year. I hope there are more chippies soon. There were six in the yard last year. There are also two bunnies. I'm going to try and identify some of the bugs too.
New Hit: I Kissed A Girl
Here's the hot tune of the day flying up the charts. It kind of grosses me out. I just picture a couple of yucky girls kissing. Yuck... and like girls. There's just something disturbing about the song (and not the lesbianism). The kissing of a girl with chapstick grosses me out more than two girls kissing. Chapstick be nasty. Yuck.
Mini Wienermobile
Father's Day
Be sure to do something extraordinary for your dad and brother this FD. I just saw the rest of that TAL (This American Life) episode about guy's named John Smith. I'm sure it was a Father's Day episode because it was all about guy's with the name John Smith and their lives. The John Smith's were of all different ages and backgrounds. From old to young, they were all really good stories... and it was an hour long (as apposed to the regular half-hour).
That is such a great show. It always focuses on something that's really simple but it comes across as being amazing. They explored all these male lives of different ages and it's something I've never seen done as beautifully. That show is absolutely breathtaking and always makes me cry like the little John Smith baby that was the youngest featured John Smith.
Also, I hope you get to see Kevin Garnett on HDTV for his last game (hopefully) on Father's Day. Are you at K's this weekend? While I was watching the game yesterday it dawned on me that those guys are Superheroes. They're so athletic, tall, and super talented. It really comes across on an HDTV. It's like being there on the court. Those guys are amazing and I hope they win soon. I kind of hope they win at home. Home crowds are always more emotional... but Father's Day Finals win would probably mean a lot to those guys and their dads on the Celtics. Go KG, Go Celtics! Go This American Life! Go new babies in our families!
That is such a great show. It always focuses on something that's really simple but it comes across as being amazing. They explored all these male lives of different ages and it's something I've never seen done as beautifully. That show is absolutely breathtaking and always makes me cry like the little John Smith baby that was the youngest featured John Smith.
Also, I hope you get to see Kevin Garnett on HDTV for his last game (hopefully) on Father's Day. Are you at K's this weekend? While I was watching the game yesterday it dawned on me that those guys are Superheroes. They're so athletic, tall, and super talented. It really comes across on an HDTV. It's like being there on the court. Those guys are amazing and I hope they win soon. I kind of hope they win at home. Home crowds are always more emotional... but Father's Day Finals win would probably mean a lot to those guys and their dads on the Celtics. Go KG, Go Celtics! Go This American Life! Go new babies in our families!
Game I Want, Now: Afrika
Check out this game! Looks like it'll be super-fun and educational. I can't wait to play it if it gets decent reviews. I don't think it'll be out for a while but I'm waiting for it. Since I probably will never be able to go to Africa here's a way to get there for only $50 and pretend you're a wildlife photographer. There's meerkats in it too! Hopefully they'll have baby animals too. I think it looks awesome, possum.
Awesome Pawsome
Another doc I saw the other night was Awesome Pawsome. It was about four tiger cubs growing up in a tiger park. I am just so amazed by the other beings on this planet. They're like ALIENS on earth. We grow up wondering if life exists on other planets but there are millions (billions) of life forms here on earth that are right under our nose. We go to movies to see special effects aliens but none of them can compare to real life "other" beings that exist on this earth. Beautiful! There is no other word (even though that sounds gay). Look at how beautiful these cubs (and their mom and dad) are. I love seeing cubs play with a dog.
Jessica the Hippo
I saw a documentary about Jessica the Hippo late last night. She is so cute! She eats like 40 pounds of sweet potatoes a day. I kinda wish I could live on a wildlife refuge in the middle of nowhere. Maybe get internet and TV via satellite and go to the same store for food. I always think about the other rural parts of the country where life is way more laid back and sometimes I think I'd like to live there and have a bunch of farm cats, dogs, and chickens.
Weezer - Island In The Sun
One of my favorite videos of all time. I could care less about the guys in the band or the song... it's all about the baby animals! I just want to rub their tummies!!!
Shlog 101: How To Search
Also, be sure to click "NEXT BLOG" on the top of the page to see other blogs... which are always interesting. But please don't FLAG the SHLOG unless it contains something offensive to you.
Speaking of offensive. Check out the outrageous SOUTH PARK DVD MOVIE IMAGINATIONLAND. They've got to be some of the most brilliant comedians, ever! I love his voices too!
Manbabies in da hizouse!
Freak of the Week - Dog Grooming Magazine

The dog is a basketball. LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL. There is a dog that is a BISON... YES, A BISON standing next to a woman dressed as an Indian... no shit! I AM dying from laughing... an f'n Bison!!!! Which is your favorite. I have to stop looking. ONE IS A FLIPPIN' ROOSTER!!! WHAT THE F? I'm going to have nightmares. LOL, LOL, LOL. I'm loosin' it. I haven't seen anything this bizarre, ever!! LOL, LOL!
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