Oh... my... GAWD(gay voice)! It's 2:00 in the morning and I can't stop laughing. I am almost crying. There is a reality show on Animal Planet called Groomer Has It and it's so terrible that I can't stop watching it. It's a Survivor type show with DOG GROOMERS! Professional Dog Groomers. Talk about Weird Als! It's bizarro world. They have "challenges" and this week they had to groom for a chance on the cover of this magazine. Check out this link and scroll down. Are you laughing (or crying) at what they do to these dogs?
The dog is a basketball. LOL, LOL, LOL, LOL. There is a dog that is a BISON... YES, A BISON standing next to a woman dressed as an Indian... no shit! I AM dying from laughing... an f'n Bison!!!! Which is your favorite. I have to stop looking. ONE IS A FLIPPIN' ROOSTER!!! WHAT THE F? I'm going to have nightmares. LOL, LOL, LOL. I'm loosin' it. I haven't seen anything this bizarre, ever!! LOL, LOL!