Also, this is a huge favor. Can you let me know ahead of time when you're planning on calling? I know you are a control freak and know when you're going to call me way ahead of time. It's because some nights I kind of hope you'll call and you don't. I'm right about timing when you're going to call most of the time but it's only because I think you're either going to call on a Sunday, Saturday (if you don't have something going on) or sometimes a Monday. But if you let me know in an email then I can have my "Snotes" ready and I'll save time "Not" waiting by the phone. It is one of my things I look forward to... talking long distance. Just give me a heads up because sometimes there are "bi-weeks" and then I feel a little rejected or lonely. Boo-hoo. I do the same thing if I don't get out to eat with my mom (and used to about Marc with the wizard game) and wonder where Andy is when I don't hear from him. I'd be happy to call you too anytime you want me to.