B-day is coming up! Yeah! Getting Old. I'd be happy to send you an old card with a check in it (like a Grandma). Are there any books, CDs, DVDs, or funky things you'd love but would never buy yourself? Something that would make you happy. Since baby animals don't make you smile do you think a Playgirl magazine with Blake would? Yucky. My favorite animal this week is the Tazmanian Devil. They look like huge mice mixed with bears and rats. They're really cute little growling meat eaters. I'd post a picture but I can't find a good 'un. But ferrets are always cuties. I especially loooovveee their little Dracula teeth. I looked for pictures of my checks but they are so old they have new ferret checks... and those don't have romantic ferrets with roses, a ferret on a skateboard with a helmet, or a cowboy ferret. There is one other costumed ferret check but I can't remember. Maybe I'll send one for your B-day... but give me some ideas so I can send you something you can use.