I pushed the Neon out of the garage, put the battery in, started it up, and washed it. I sat in the car for 20 minutes blowing the heat and A/C to get some of the smoky smell out. It doesn't really smell that bad because I aired it out last year. I'm paying $70.00 a month for full coverage. Uggg. It's time for me to move on and be able to trot around town so I can actually get some shit done.
It feels like I'm 15 years old and have never driven before. I need to move around even if it's boring for me to go places that I've been a million times before... also, I want to be able to go see puppies and kittens.
I'm even looking up how to change the air and take care of some of the maintenance myself. My car is from 2001 and has 32,000 miles. It cost $11,800. I've got to get my money's worth.
"A real man takes care of his own problems" -Somebody famous