manorexic (noun) : A male who is anorexic. This term is significant due to the low percentages of males who have anorexia nervosa.
Look at his skinny arms, he must be a manorexic. —James St. James, Freak Show, 2007
G-pa(ma) (noun) : An affectionate way of referring to one's grandpa/grandma.
Due to his failing health, my g-pa had to relocate to a warmer climate.
sexytary (noun) : a very sexy, attractive, and seductive secretary
He's always eager to go to work because of his sexytary.
And I there was an article about this one in the NY Times:
Link to Va-Jay-Jay
I guess people on TV have been using Va-Jay-Jay in place of Vagina. It was on 30 Rock and Oprah uses it... I think it's funny. There was an episode of South Park a year or two ago about Oprah's Va-Jay-Jay that you'll have to see sometime.
Update: according to a Shlog super-fan that emailed me: the word va-jay-jay was used in an episode of Scrubs many many years ago.