Did you happen to have a few beers when you went and saw Jamie Kennedy? I was watching TV last night and a Dave Chappelle Stand Up special was on Comedy Central. I couldn't stop laughing. It was crazy. I mean Scary Movie laughing. Curb Your Enthusiasm eating hot food whilst trying to get the woman in bed laughing. Borat naked wrestling scene laughing. I was laughing so hard that I was scared I was going to pass out. I think having a few rum and cherry 7ups helped. I couldn't stop laughing. It was a holiday and I was really annoyed (which I often am on holidays) but I had such a good time watching Dave Chappelle do stand up.
By the way, I'd strongly suggest Chappelle's Show Season 2. It's really outrageous! It is one of the best comedy shows EVER! It's a sketch show and NOT stand up... but his stand up was really fantastic too! It's really funny! Just fun and crazy and wild! It's a total classic that you should see at some point. It's up there with Curb and Ali G. It's so fun to watch, it's super-funny and brizzzzzzzillllliantt! Genius!