Also here's a link to some interview with J.K. Rowling where she answers all the questions about Harry Potter that weren't in the books. It's really interesting how much she's aware of the world and story she created. You don't have to read the whole thing... just scan over it when you've got a few minutes. It's pretty amazing.
Link to interview with J.K. Rowling
Also, I'm sad that you missed Comic Con. Kevin Smith's podcast this week was about his Comic Con appearance and he had a little video of him getting announced to do a Heroes episode of a spin off series. You should read some comics. They're the perfect in between of a movie and a book. They're movies that could never be made because of budget restraints. They're artistic because only a couple of people make them... and some of them are just as good or better than some movies... and I like art and writing. You know I'm far from a comic book nerd and I don't even buy comic issues. I just get Trade Paperback collections or Graphic Novel stories. You had said you wanted to read more and it's the perfect package... reading but in smaller doses with pictures done by fantastic artists. There are just as many genres of comics as there are of books. I'd be happy to mail you some if you are interested. Just tell my what you like and I'll do the research. You won't turn into a nerd if you read them, I promise.
Just an idea. It's a way to read for an hour or two without having to get into like a novel. It's easier to put down and pick up from where you left off with a comic.