I also called the vet down the street about _____ the cat. I asked if anyone has reported the cutest and fluffiest cat ever lost. I also asked if any of their clients ever have puppies and she said yes. I think I'm going to check their bulletin board once in a while for a puppy. I would much prefer to adopt a puppy from a local person from the neighborhood so I knew where it came from and if it came from a nice home. Also, I don't want to get a pure bread because I'd rather help save an existing life rather than make a new one for profit... and inbreeding is creepy... so are genetic disorders. But at least I found an option to mull over.
I also bought some Newman's cat food for ________ the cat. He/she didn't like it so I opened a can of tuna and put it in. _______ just ate the tuna. Meow.