I've got an outside cat that I love so much. She (I think it's a she) is such a nice kitty. She's got really long hair and is a Siamese mixed with a tortoiseshell. She's much cuter than the picture above... maybe I'll get my camera out next time.
The last couple of days she's been hunting rabbits, crows, or chipmunks (I don't know which) around the house. Yesterday I pet her for about 20 minutes and groomed her coat a little by picking out loose hairs. She's really friendly so I know she's not feral.
Today I was working in the basement and saw a blobby shape up in the glass block windows. I ran upstairs and opened a can of tuna (cats love tuna like dogs love bacon) and went outside. I just love that first meow of when they get a whiff of tuna fish. I took 1/2 out and let her eat what was left in the can. Yummy. Now she wants to move in. After I pet her a little more and played with her she decided she wanted to come in. She stood up on the door and meowed a couple times. I didn't let her in... but I wanted to.