I've seen her off and on over a number of years and she doesn't act like a feral cat. She's really friendly. I'd totally take her in if I wasn't allergic. Isn't she/he a cutie! Little furry sleepy baby.
Ice Cream Cookie/Peanut Butter Panda Baby
I'm really bad at naming animals so I gave myself a time limit of an hour and had at it. I tried to think of things that he/she looked like and came up with Ice Cream Cookie and then I realized she's kind of like a Panda but with Peanut Butter mixed in... Peanut Butter Panda Baby. She's been hanging around a lot and I pet her all the time (and give her tuna sometimes). I bought some dry cat food but she doesn't seem to know what it is. She just licks it. She/he must eat mushy cat food at home.
I've seen her off and on over a number of years and she doesn't act like a feral cat. She's really friendly. I'd totally take her in if I wasn't allergic. Isn't she/he a cutie! Little furry sleepy baby.

I've seen her off and on over a number of years and she doesn't act like a feral cat. She's really friendly. I'd totally take her in if I wasn't allergic. Isn't she/he a cutie! Little furry sleepy baby.