
Eddie Murphy

How brilliant and funny is Eddie Murphy? I realized after watching a biography that he's made a ton of classic movies. He's probably acted in more than forty of fifty movies. I've actually missed some of his movies. In the past couple years I've watched Beverly Hills Cop, 48 Hrs., Coming to America, and saw some of Bowfinger on cable the other night. He's so great. Even his bad movies aren't that bad. Norbit isn't the best movie but there are some funny bits in it. "How You Doin'"

I've never seen Vampire in Brooklyn, Holy Man, The Distinguished Gentleman or Dreamgirls but I've seen everything else he's done multiple times. Boomerang, The Golden Child, Delirious, Beverly Hills Cop, and his SNL skits were the best. I love Mulan, Dr. Dolittle, The Nutty Prof. and Coming to America. I've realized that I'm a huge Eddie Murphy fan and I wasn't even aware of it. When we were kids Shawn and I would go downtown by ourselves to see his latest movies. I saw Raw, Coming to America, BHC II, The Golden Child, Another 48 hrs and Boomerang all in the theaters.

I even like his bad movies like Pluto Nash, Showtime, Daddy Day Care, and Life. I've decided that I should see the ones that I haven't seen on DVD soon. I should have an Eddie DVD party and get Movie Theater microwave popcorn and Welch's grape soda and some Laffy Taffy... and maybe some, "lemonade, that cool refreshing drink".