
Reminder: Be Sure To Back-Up

Just a reminder. What happened to your little white man can happen to your tall white man. The hard drive can go at anytime and it will fail at some point. Be sure to back up and have an extra copy of everything you want to keep that's on your computer.

Put a blank CD into your computer and select the folder you want. Control/Apple click and select copy (folder) and paste it onto the CD. Make sure you copy not cut so you should have two copies... one to put on the CD. Back up your shit. Seriously. A CD or two will probably back up everything you want. You don't need to back up your operating system or any of the programs... just your pictures, etc...


Cool Site You May Not Know

Here's a couple of cool websites you may or may not know about. I would think that you'd really dig them because it seems like the kind of thing that would make your web life a little more interesting...
All you do with these two websites is put in the kind of music you like and they play you songs that you'd most likely also like. So say you want to hear Maroon 5... just type in Maroon 5 and they'll play you songs by them and by similar artists... for free.

Also, if you want to buy a record but don't know if it's any good try. Just type in a band or artist and click on 'discography' and you'll see pretty reliable star ratings of albums. Also check out allmovie for movies. You'll increase your good album chances and good movie chances without having to be a music or movie snob.

You can use 'Shuffles' in place of the little white man until he gets fixed (hopefully). I'll know late tomorrow what the diagnosis will be after I get it charged up and get the case open. It may be a little while to get him fixed. I got the battery, case openers, and charger on two day shipping but I don't know how long it will take to get a hard drive if needed. I've read some forums about trying other things like re-connecting the connections and slapping the ipod in my hand to loosen whatever is sticking the hard drive... if that doesn't work I'll get a new one in. But I'll double check first... because it may be a better deal to buy a new one than spend $140.00 for a hard drive... because most places don't even cover new hard drives under any warranty... or it's only a 90 day coverage.

Tons of Cute Pictures

You'll love this link:
Click here to see some cute pictures


Cat Schadenfreude

This had me dying laughing. I watched it twice. I know... there are tons of nasty houses but get over it. This is the reason that I love cats. They crack me up and they're so cute! BTW all mammals are evolved from reptiles... like when cats and dogs have those whippy tails... very reptilian huh?


A Little Closer to Understanding Nascar

Last night I got to watch the last thirty laps of a Nascar race. Nascar is supposedly the second most popular sport in Amar-ica behind "the football". It's more popular than basketball. Can you believe that? I've been trying to get into it and here be what I learned last night. The good: The cars go more than a hundred fiddy miles per hour. There are cameras on the cars. They make pit stops really quickly (in only seconds). The gas guy in the pit crew always gets gas splashed all over him. It's really dangerous. The announcers are "good ol' boys". The bad: The race was four and a half hours long. Sitting in a car for more than three or four hours makes me crazy.

American culture. Southern culture. I'm sure most Nascar people are stereotyped as being stupid good ol' boys but in short doses it can be very entertaining to hear their accents. I'm trying to open up myself a little and not be so judgemental. I've got (hopefully) many years of life left and I don't want to be a grumpy old curmudgeon. It's really easy to find beauty in nature and baby animals (btw, a dog show was on last night... little cuties) but looking past the silliness and trying to find why they like to spend the little time they have on watching cars go in a circle can be a little straining. Luckily, I think the same reason they watch Nascar is the same reason that I watch a little baseball. To remember Pop, feel like a kid, and get transported back in time. For a moment I felt the same way watching Nascar last night.

Also, Night at the Museum was kinda good and I really like watching dog shows. I tivoed one last night. I love seeing the little furry babies. They're always so happy. I also like to see the exotic breeds and the prancing. You just want to hug them.


New Pixar Movie

I wasn't looking forward to the new Pixar movie until I saw a little preview online. I think the little rat is really cute and his animations are really good. Pixar movies just look so amazing! If you see the rat in pictures he's not that cute but for some reason seeing him moving and his expressions made him really cute. There's a nine minute preview if you're interested in seeing bits of the new Pixar movie Ratatouille...


Strange Page of the Day

Think you'll find this funny. I came across it from a link in a news article about weird websites. Maybe you understand it?
Link to weird website


Adventures in Hollyhood

I forgot to tell you how funny the show Adventures in Hollyhood is. It's totally not what I thought it would be. I had avoided it in the past just because it looks stupid and I thought it was a bad reality show about Three Six Mafia... but for some reason I caught a funny bit and I was hooked. It's actually a really silly comedy. On one show they were making the song for Jackass 2 and went to the Jackass offices to visit all the guys from the show.

The show is really cute and has a whole bunch of fresh comedic material because of the setting. It's a faux-reality show. I just got finished watching a couple shows (tivo) and was dying laughing. It's subtle and silly humor... and kinda brilliant.

I think you'd really like it. It's a cute show and totally not what you'd expect. Also, check out the show Human Giant on MTV too. That's a funny ass show too... with a little Indian guy and two comedians from The Best Week Ever (the guy with the huge gap in his teeth)... Wait, the younger looking guy on BWE with the huge gap in his teeth... not the older guy with the huge gap in his teeth.

Those are my suggestions for comedy shows... at least check out a couple clips on Youtube if you're bored.

Also, I think that's so funny to watch a TV show across country on the phone. Remember, I do I have unlimited long distance on the land line so just get a regular phone. I like regular phones much better (and they sound better). I can send you a new phone for your B-Day. It's coming up soon. You're getting to be a cougar! Woo-hoo!


Daily Puppy Today is a Super Cutie

Hewwooh widdle baby! Furry little baby. Cutie little baby. I wuv the little furry cutie little baby. Who's the baby? Who's a cutie baby? Want some bacon little baby?
Link to Daily Puppy

The Spoiler T-Shirt

Thought this was kind of funny. Do you know all these spoilers? Can you name the movies?
Link To Spoiler T-Shirt


German Shorthaired Puppy

Walking back from the store I crossed the path of a new neighborhood puppy. A German Shorthaired that's only nine weeks old! I got to pet him and he licked my hands and stood up. He was very cute. I'm telling you, this is puppy heaven. There are so many dogs over here it's unbelievable and spring is here... and so are the puppies.

Beatles Hey Bulldog

I don't know how you could hate these guys. Just think of them as four young rockers in a British band. That's all they are. Don't think of all the other crap that people put on them. It's just a band... that happens to be great.

Abba Thank You For The Music

I love this song. My heart melts when the music kicks in.


The Carpenters Thank You For The Music

Don't Get Me Started : Molly Shannon

Melinda Off Idol? What, What, What, What?

I was shocked when I learned this morning that Melinda Doolittle was voted off Idol. I missed the shows this week because I just assumed that Jordin (is that how she spells it) would be voted off. Doolittle is obviously the best singer and deserves to win. I thought since they picked the best "singer" last year, they'd do it again. Last years winner was no looker and he wasn't young. I just assumed Melinda would win. But maybe now your favorite Blake the Snake will win with his weird lips (insert beat boxing sounds here). Yuck.

Also, be sure to let me know what you'd like for your B-day so I can get it to you. And if you want a platinum ring be sure to ask your parents. Just tell them that it'll be a symbol of your love for me that I will keep forever. It's true. You love your parents.

Little advice. If you want anything, you've got to ask or do it yourself. I know you'll say, "Yeah, I know that"... but if you wants youse a man you gotta ask or do it yourself. If you want a platinum ring then you may have to do it yourself. Don't wait your whole life for someone else to make your dreams come true. People can't read minds and they won't know what you want unless you tell them twenty times. Treat your self and make yourself happy. If you want an ice cream cone, get one... if you want a new T.V., just buy it and enjoy yourself... Just pick up a DVD player. Don't wait around for anyone to do anything to make your life happy. This is the best advice that I can give since I've wasted a lot of my time waiting for people to help me out or do something... and they never do. -It's your life... it's now or never... you're not gonna live for-ev-er... (bon jovi). LOL!!!


Replace an iPod Hard Drive Video

I know it's not a video iPod but it may help just to see. You could probably get a non-destructive pry tool from a hardware store. Thought it may help. Maybe you don't want to use a screwdriver.


I Want a Bison

For some reason I've always loved Bison. I love their big furry head and horns. When they popped up on Planet Earth I cheered. I love the old west and imagine myself on the plains with the indian blankets and camp fire. I look over the hill and see bison by the thousand. Beautiful big furry brown animal.


Dave Grohl is the Devil

Don't know if you are aware of this but "Smagick" (Sha-Magic) has been made into a movie. I watched Tenacious D and the Pick of Destiny. Dave Grohl is the devil (just like in their video). It's a horrible movie... but it's actually pretty funny. It has Jack Black (which you love), Dave Grohl (which you really love)... and guess what? What! Remember I asked you what happened to the "This is my United States of Whatever" guy? He directed the movie. Isn't that funny?

I have a theory. Have you ever thought that Dave Grohl is literally the devil? I mean he's the devil in movies and videos... and you loose your cool when it comes to Dave Grohl. He's a rock god that makes you all faint and dizzy. I think he's temptation in the clearest form of devilness. Maybe you should give up on Dave Grohl... since he's the d-e-v-i-l and not even in disguise.

Also, I think I might shave my head. I've always wanted to just use a buzzer with an attachment to cut my hair. Every time I go to the barber I tell him to cut it short, real short... and he never does. I hate dealing with hair and nobody sees me anyway. I can save a few bucks, get over a fear, and have a fun time. The only reason I've never wanted to do it was because I was afraid and because I didn't want to clean up the mess of hair.

Did you come across the word "denouement" yet? You'll have to save the story and tell me when that word pops up this week. Pay close attention. You'll hear it. It's written in the cosmos.


Koala Joey San Diego Zoo

Charlotte Church Amy Winehouse Beat It

Two Baby Ducks and Three Turtles

Today is the nicest day it's been all year. Not too hot, not too cold. Perfect. Two weeks ago there weren't even leaves on the trees. Now everything is bright green. I took my walk today. The only people out during the day around here are old women and construction workers. As you know, I can't stand construction workers, house workers, painters, handy-men... sweaty worker men are always jerks or assholes with no brains and they're always frustrated. I avoid worker men.

On my nature walk I saw the usual bunny, squirrel, chipmunk, birds... and today I got a bonus. A duck couple with two tiny babies was swimming along the shore. I went into the little thicket to see them closer... and stood absolutely still. Here's a tip: If you stand still animals will forget you are even there and go about their business. They'll keep an eye on you but they'll loose interest really fast. While I was standing there watching they forgot about me and came closer, and closer, and closer. The two babies and the mom were literally only two or three feet away. The little baby ducklings were tiny. Super tiny. I don't think I've ever seen ducklings that small and so close. Also, as I looked around there were turtles sitting on the mud nearby. I must have scared them because they moved into the water. One was really big and there were two smaller ones. Really cool.

I got a yummy piece of bread and cherry coke and read the neighborhood paper. It was a really nice afternoon.


Tazmanian Devil

Meet a new animal. What a cutie. These little guys growl and eat raw meat. They look like rats, mice, and little bears mixed. I think they are really fascinating. I saw a documentary or two about these little guys. They call them Tazzies or Tazzys in Austrailia, Mate. Make sure you see the little video short on the linked website.
Link to website about Tazzies


You're Getting a Ferret Check

B-day is coming up! Yeah! Getting Old. I'd be happy to send you an old card with a check in it (like a Grandma). Are there any books, CDs, DVDs, or funky things you'd love but would never buy yourself? Something that would make you happy. Since baby animals don't make you smile do you think a Playgirl magazine with Blake would? Yucky. My favorite animal this week is the Tazmanian Devil. They look like huge mice mixed with bears and rats. They're really cute little growling meat eaters. I'd post a picture but I can't find a good 'un. But ferrets are always cuties. I especially loooovveee their little Dracula teeth. I looked for pictures of my checks but they are so old they have new ferret checks... and those don't have romantic ferrets with roses, a ferret on a skateboard with a helmet, or a cowboy ferret. There is one other costumed ferret check but I can't remember. Maybe I'll send one for your B-day... but give me some ideas so I can send you something you can use.

This Made Me Laugh


American Idol

Did Blake rock or what? I was expecting him to be really awful but he sounded great. I think that whole beat-boxing thing is so 80's breakdancing but he was good. Best of the night.

I Love 70s Music

No Shit. I Love me some 70s music. Queen, Billy Joel, Pink Floyd, Thin Lizzy, Stevie Wonder, Heart, Al Green, Curtis Mayfield, Parliament, The Eagles. I'm not afraid to admit it. They have three 70s music channels on Sirius and I love 'em all. I don't mean to brag but I even know all the songs on the "deep tracks" station. I just assume everyone knows these songs but maybe they don't. I'm surprised you don't listen to classic rock radio stations. 50s, 60s, 70s music is all great... but I like the 70s the best! I just love the sound of real instruments. Who can forget: The Carpenters, Steely Dan, AC/DC, Santana, Bruce Springsteen, David Bowie, Creedence, Abba, The Stones, T. Rex, and even John Denver (even though he's a little pussy). I am laughing like the Joker! There are so many great bands. Stay tuned for the Summer mini-concert series.


Huge Sanjaya

This has nothing to do with Sanjaya. I thought you may get the joke and nothing else rhymed with the "V" word that's on CYE. Anyway. I now have unlimited long distance. I redid all the phone stuff and with a package deal I've got unlimited long distance from my home phone. I'm getting rid of my cell phone (I never use it and it doesn't have enough minutes) and using the home phone. So I can call you anytime at your home phone and you don't have to use cell minutes. So be sure to have me call you back.

Also, this is a huge favor. Can you let me know ahead of time when you're planning on calling? I know you are a control freak and know when you're going to call me way ahead of time. It's because some nights I kind of hope you'll call and you don't. I'm right about timing when you're going to call most of the time but it's only because I think you're either going to call on a Sunday, Saturday (if you don't have something going on) or sometimes a Monday. But if you let me know in an email then I can have my "Snotes" ready and I'll save time "Not" waiting by the phone. It is one of my things I look forward to... talking long distance. Just give me a heads up because sometimes there are "bi-weeks" and then I feel a little rejected or lonely. Boo-hoo. I do the same thing if I don't get out to eat with my mom (and used to about Marc with the wizard game) and wonder where Andy is when I don't hear from him. I'd be happy to call you too anytime you want me to.

The Slog, Old People Rant, Life

There is NO F'n privacy at this house! I got so annoyed this weekend. The first sunny day and everyone in the world has to be in my backyard! All the neighbors are out on their back porches looking over my yard, sawing, banging with hammers, pushing around wheelbarrows or sitting with no shirt on reading magazines. Ugg. I'm trying to come up with ways to buy my own house with a private backyard in the middle of a nice little town in a warm climate. I may have to get a U-Haul, pack up my Crushi stuff, and move. There was a little town in northern New Mexico that had like three people living there. I'm sure I could buy a house cash for $30,000 and mail stuff at the post office. F$ckin' old people and they're just getting older!

Upcoming topics:
1) Last night I almost called up a puppy rescue to foster a puppy but the postings were written by a crazy lady. There were exclamation points after every sentence! Like this! It makes a person sound nuts!
2) Summer Mini Concert Series: featuring some of your favorite bands and singers (and some funny stuff).
3) Rants
4) Animals and Baby Animals
5) Test Your Faith

The posts only take me a couple minutes... and I'll post as much or as little as I want! You're not the boss of me! Don't I sound crazy with all the exclamation points? Gosh!