
Living Colour - Middle Man

I can honestly say that this song changed my life. There are a few times when I've been so amazed and excited about music as when I saw this. I remember it vividly. It was the summer of 1988 and I had just moved to Minneapolis and my mom had dropped us off(Marc and I) to live with my dad. She was headed for Arizona (later it turned into New Mexico) with Jerry. We were tired of moving and would rather suffer being poor with Pop so we could stay at the same school for our high-school years. She dropped us off on the last day of school and I started my life at my dad's house while she moved with Jerry. We knew she would keep moving every year or two (she did) and we didn't want to spend the most important years of our lives in different cities at different high schools. We were very aware that Pop was poor and we'd have to live in a shit apartment but it was better than moving around with Jerry and Mom for the next few years. I was 13 years old and will always remember those years. They were really hard and I can never forgive her for that. But I would never do that to someone especially to family.

I spent a lot of hot summer days at Shawn's house hanging out and this was on the T.V. I bought the tape as soon as it was released and listened to it all summer. Little did I know that I would still remember it as a soundtrack to that summer. Black Rock n' Roll? Now we're talkin! Can you believe that this was almost 20 years ago this summer? 1988-2008. Word.