
Single Meals

I know how much you love cooking (sarcasm) and I thought that "Single Meals" would be a good way to give you ideas for simple meals. Maybe with some simple ideas you can expand your meals to include some favorites. These are simple meals.

Spaghetti n' Meat-a-balls-ah (in a bad eye-talian accent)
Jar of Pasta Sauce (I like Neuman's)
Angel hair or thin spaghetti pasta
Bag of frozen meat-a-balls-ah
A little parm cheese

Boil a little water. Put frozen meatballs and sauce in a small covered bowl. Angel hair or thin spaghetti pasta cooks faster because it's thin (it also tastes better). Put a few good shakes of salt in the water. Pasta tastes better with salt and the water boils faster. Microwave frozen meatballs and sauce for a minute thirty seconds or two minutes until done. Cover the bowl with a loose lid or paper towel. Pasta should only take about five minutes. Drain pasta and pour sauce on top. Make sure meat-a-balls-ah are hot in the middle. Sprinkle some black pepper and parm cheese on top. Yummy.

Add a piece of garlic bread or a salad and you've got a yummy delicious meal in 10 minutes.