
Almost Perfect Cat

I thought you'd appreciate this kitty. Pretty amazing! I've never seen a cat that likes water. That story you told me about how you tried to bathe cats always cracks me up. Were you not aware that cats hate water? Did you think cats were mini dogs? That story always cracks me up. I think you'd like this kitty.

When I see a cat I always try to image what it sees and what colors (or non-colors).

Click here to see a crappy website with an example of cats colorblind vision

Keep in mind that cats have different vision then us humans. They're colorblind, nearsighted, and see things in more extreme 3D then we do. When cats are seemingly jumping at things or playing with light it's not that they're trippin' out, they're actually hard wired to attack motion or smaller things moving around quickly. They can't help but attack a bug or ball moving until they learn what it is.