
The Beatles - Don't Let Me Down

There is no better band in the history of music than the Beatles... period. As it's stated in the bible, "You will not get into Heaven if you don't know every single Beatles song by heart". There is nothing more important than going and buying all the Beatles albums you can find and listening to them a hundred times each.

There are no songs that are more beautiful, culturally important, enjoyable, and interesting. You must think I'm the biggest dummy and not take my advice or consider me intelligent to not know every single Beatles song by heart. Another year goes by... and still you don't know how great they were. If you had a drug problem wouldn't you criticize me for not trying to help you? Well, you may as well not be alive if you don't understand the Beatles are the greatest band, ever. This is your wake up call. You are missing out.

If you ever get into the Beatles then I'll move on to trying to get you to realize how briz-illiant Prince was in the '80s, then maybe Bob Dylan after that. Just give in... Just give in... you are missing out. If I knew that This American Life would be beneficial to you and you had a poor attitude about the show because some nerds at school liked it... wouldn't you be remiss and horrified if you didn't know about it? Wake-up. Snap out of it. Give in. Give up. John, Paul, George, and Ringo.