
Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull

I saw Indy tonight. I'm really pumped about it. I nerdily read the novelization last week because I didn't think I'd see it until DVD. I really liked it. A bunch of nerds on the internet have been complaining about the corny dialog or impossible situations but isn't that what all Indy movies are? I would think your Dad likes Indy movies? Without giving away too much I thought it was right down my ally. He's in the 1950s and Shia LeBouf is really good in it. The end almost made me cry and got me excited enough to write about it. I thought I was going to hate it but I totally didn't.

I really like Shia Lebouf. He's a Marlon Brando '50s dude with a greaser haircut, leather jacket, motorcycle, and switchblade... it's enough to make you groan but I didn't. I loved it. Mayan temples, secrets, clues, the directing, the costumes, the sets, cinematography, effects, and the '50s era stuff... Crystal Skulls is in the hizouse!