
Live Earth Concert + Foo Fighters

All day they are playing the concert online. You can watch any show. It's kind of cool because it's all free and online. Have you noticed it's 7/07/07? People are getting married in droves and trying to push our their babies early (or having c-sections). People are so silly about symbolism.

The concerts are pretty cool... and your favorite actress (that woman from the Sixth Sense) is in some band in Austrailia. She was singing a T-Rex song on one of the feeds.

Some of your favorite bands are on it. They probably put the performances up after they play so you can still see them after the show.

Foo Fighters (Mr. Grohl has a nasty beard and long hair)
Link to Article about Foo Fighters at Live Earth
James Blunt
Corine Baily Ray (I don't know how to spell it)
Toni Collette
and many others
Here's the link

btw. Here are some links to information on the Foo Fighters next record.
Link 1
Link 2
Link 3
Link 4