
Ricky Gervais Meets Larry David III

There are a ton of Ricky Gervais YouTube videos of shows like this that I've never seen available anywhere. I thought this was interesting and will probably watch the rest. Just type in "Ricky Gervais Meets Larry David" in YouTube. I guess it was an hour show? It just cracks me up when I see clips from CYE. It's like kind of bizarro to see two of the funniest guys talking about about their funny shows. There are tons of radio shows from the U.K. with Ricky Gervais and Stephen Merchant. I guess they did a radio show for years before the Office? Stepen Merchant even does a music show? Odd but I'm sure you'd like it because you love the radio. Here's a the link to a radio show Stephen Merchant does. I haven't listened to it yet.