
Woofstock 2007

These little guys were down at Woofstock this afternoon. Linden Hills hosted a dog day today. I walked down to get a Potato/Soup meal from Famous Daves and there were hundreds of dogs down at the corner. There were booths and everything. Everything dog related was down there. Dogs everywhere. I brought my lunch home and went back down because I realized the chances are pretty good that there would be a puppy somewhere amongst all the dogs.

The pictured puppies were there. Parker and Posey. They were really cute. There were other puppies there too! The animal foster homes around the city were down there and they brought some mixed puppies to get people to stop by their booth. I played with Parker and Posey for about a half hour. There were tons of dogs there. Big dogs like Great Danes to small Dachshunds and costumed dogs with wacky velvet royalty outfits. There was a bunch of dog biscuit booths and super creepy dog painting and really horrible pet art booths but my favorite were the shelter booths with the puppies and the retired Greyhound booth (they're huge!). You would have loved it... and they had grilled brats.