
Short Rant: Summer

I'm already sick of summer. It's so hot that I can't do anything comfortably. I was just getting used to taking a long walk and listening to podcasts everyday. Now, it's just so annoyingly hot that it makes it twice as hard. I don't want to die of heat exhaustion or have a heat stroke. It's so annoying.

Everything that I enjoyed doing a week ago is now so uncomfortable that it's pointless to do. Ever tried reading a book while you are soaking in sweat? How about sitting outside when the sun is eating you alive? How about being so humid that it doesn't cool down until 4 o'clock in the morning? I can't fall asleep until it cools down.

Ugg. So annoyed. And last night some asshole had to burn a fire or 15 citronella candles. The smoke and stank was coming right into my apartment. I couldn't close the windows because it's too flippin' hot! I know I've said this before: I hate summer.

I can't close my windows at night. I can't sit in my boxers to cool down because my neighbors don't have curtains and could see me. I can't sleep. I don't want to eat anything because I'm tired and grumpy. I hate, hate, hate, summer... and on top of the heat, humidity, lack of privacy... the creepy neighbor guy sits out back on his porch and watches TV with the volume up! WTF? I hate weekends too!

I'm just ranting.